Kinolist helps you discover, track, and organize Movies & TV Shows.

Discover what you want to watch. Track what you're watching and what you have watched.

Discover what to watch.

Browse by Popularity, Most Awaited, Genres, Countries, Languages, Providers, Studios, and Collections. Get up-to-date and comprehensive details on what you want to watch.

Track your progress.

Customize your watch status (Planning, Watching, Dropped) and update your watch history after you have finished watching. Add it to favorites, add a note / see your note, or add it to your custom lists.

Explore your notes.

Explore the notes you made on Movies, TV Shows, Seasons, and Episodes.

Organize your lists

Create custom lists of your liking and organize them. Add Movies and TV shows to your lists and sort them by alphabetical order, added date, release/air date, or revenue (Movies only). Customize their orders in the list.

Browse casts and crews

Browse your favorite actors, directors, producers, writers, and many more. View their credits in various Movies and TV shows.